Nerd in Action Code is poetry

REMOTE_USER is empty when using Shibboleth

I have installed shibd and configured shibboleth SP correctly.But I couldn’t get $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] using PHP.

For troubleshooting, you may try the following:

  1. What’s inside the logs(native.log, shibd.log, shibd_warn.log)?
  2. Have you already setup the REMOTE_USER in shibboleth2.xml?
  3. Is the attribute available, and if that attribute has been set in attribute-map.xml?
  4. What will you see after visiting /Shibboleth.sso/Session? Is the attribute in there?
  5. Is the script under AuthType Shibboleth protection?

Finally, I found out that #5 is the reason why $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] is empty!